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Quality Assurance

Multilingual access and strategic market intelligence from the Spine Tango Registry

10 Jun 2024

Spine Tango is now available in Czech and Portuguese!

The Spine Tango Registry platform and electronic PROMs are now available in Czech and Portuguese. This development represents another significant leap forward in expanding its reach and importance within the global medical community.

With these new language options, healthcare professionals in Czech and Portuguese-speaking regions and beyond can seamlessly integrate into this comprehensive system, fostering enhanced collaboration and data exchange. Patients can also be reached in their preferred language, ensuring seamless communication and participation in patient reported outcome measures.

In addition, with ePROMs now available in translated versions, the inclusion of further patient population will further enrich the Spine Tango Registry. This wealth of information will not only broaden research horizons, ultimately leading to improved outcomes in spine care worldwide.

More on eProms here

EUROSPINE's Spine Tango Reporting Services set the standard in spine care.

EUROSPINE's Spine Tango Reporting Services continue to serve as your indispensable resource, setting the standard for unparalleled insight into spine care. Our mission remains steadfast in emphasising the critical need for accurate data and overcoming the hurdles of regulatory compliance. Subscribers can expect access to an extensive dataset, personalised reporting services and a leading position in spine care innovation.

We reaffirm our commitment to provide accurate information, to promote excellence in spine care, and to continue to share success stories and emerging trends. Join us in our unwavering dedication to championing the transformative power of real-world evidence and advancing excellence in spine care.

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