The SSCoE guidelines were defined by the SSCoE Task Force. The document explains the concept of the EUROSPINE SSCoE, the definition of a centre, pathology groups, quality criteria, and the audit and course of certification.
Acquiring Certification
Check what are the criteria to be fulfilled to become a Surgical Spine Centre of Excellence and find out how to apply

SSCoE Guidelines
Apply for certification
The certification process is handled by our partner Cert-IQ.
You will be required to use our online form to enter all necessary data . After sending your information sheet, you will receive an offer within 3-5 days.
Digital Medals
Certified centres can ask to receive a digital medal to use on their websites.
To order the digital medal, certified centres must contact cert-IQ.
The cost of the digital medal is 80 Euros.

Do you have further questions?
For questions regarding the certification process, required documents, timeline and costs