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EUROSPINE sends heartfelt holiday greetings to the EUROSPINE community

15 Dec 2023

In a warm and personal message, EUROSPINE President Ahmet Alanay warmly welcomed the EUROSPINE community to the upcoming festive season.

President Alanay looked back on the challenges and successes of the past year and expressed his deep gratitude for the tireless commitment and trust of all members. He pointed out that their joint efforts have truly made EUROSPINE a unique and supportive community.

Ahmet Alanay and EUROSPINE hope that the upcoming festive season will bring joy and tranquillity to everybody and provide them with a well-deserved opportunity to relax.

In the words of President Alanay: "All of us at EUROSPINE wish you a happy festive season and look forward to a new year of shared success and well-being." The Society looks forward to another year of co-operation and achievement among its dedicated members.


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