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Annual Reports

Find out more about the Spine Tango registry, benefits, achievements and key statistics in our Annual Reports

General information 

The below Spine Tango annual reports provide an overview of the Spine Tango registry, its governance, its data host, information security and information on data protection.

The reports also describe Spine Tango's benefit, how to join the registry and what were the main advances and achievements for the year. 

Last but not least, the annual reports provide statistics on the overall data growth by form type, patient charcteristics and descriptive analysis of the most frequent pathologies.

Spine Tango's roadmap to excellence and exciting initiatives for 2022

We welcome Sabrina Donzelli as the new Chair of the Spine Tango Task Force. We congratulate Marco Telli on his election as President and appreciate his previous role as Past Chair of Spine
In 2022, Spine Tango will focus on advancing and expanding the Spine Tango Registry, partnering with MedTech companies, incorporating PROMs, and exploring potential collaborations with national professional societies.

These initiatives strengthen Spine Tango's role as a valuable tool for spine care professionals and contribute to data-driven improvements in spine care and patient outcomes.

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