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24th SGS Annual Meeting

The 24th SGS Annual Meeting will be held on the 29th and 30th of August 2024 at the 24th SGS Annual Meeting in the Kollegienhaus, a building steeped in history of the University Basel.

“Proven & New”: We are proud to announce this year a new two-day format of the 24th SGS Annual Meeting. On the 29th of August 2024: We will launch for the very first time a joint meeting with the Swiss Society of Interventional Pain Management (SSIPM) under the motto of “Learning from each other”. On the 30th of August 2024: We will have the annual meeting in its well-known format. This year's focus is on “Value-based Spine Care”, with three core sessions highlighting algorithms and techniques adding value into Spine Care:

  • Translating Guidelines into clinical practice
  • Trauma in Aging Spine (AO Spine Joint Session)
  • Innovation in Spine Care: Vision 2030 (AI/VR/Robotics)

If you are interested to find out more about the SGS, please visit their website.


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