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Patient Line

EUROSPINE Hosts Free Webinar on Living with Scoliosis

05 Jun 2024

EUROSPINE Hosts Free Webinar on Living with Scoliosis

In a significant step towards supporting scoliosis patients and their families, EUROSPINE's Patient Line is hosting a free webinar titled "Living with Scoliosis" on Friday, 28 June 2024, at 17:00 CET. This online event coincides with Scoliosis Awareness Month and aims to provide comprehensive information about managing scoliosis effectively.

The webinar's primary objective is to build confidence in available treatments and equip patients and their families with the knowledge needed to manage their spinal condition positively. The event will feature a series of expert-led sessions designed to address various aspects of living with scoliosis.

Key Learning Objectives

  • Impact of Scoliosis on Sports and Activities:
    Attendees will gain insights into the types of sports and physical activities that are safe and beneficial for individuals with scoliosis.

  • Available Treatment Options:
    The webinar will cover the different treatment options for scoliosis, including both non-surgical and surgical approaches.

  • Expected Outcomes after Surgery:
    Participants will learn what to expect regarding recovery and improvements following scoliosis surgery.

  • Long-term Effects of Surgery on Life:
    The session will discuss how scoliosis surgery can impact future activities and overall quality of life.

Expert Speakers

The webinar will be chaired by Peter Ferlic, an Orthopaedic Surgeon and Chair of the EUROSPINE Patient Line Committee from Graz, Austria.

The event will also feature the following expert speakers:

  • Nikos Karavidas: A physiotherapist from Athens, Greece, will discuss the impact of a scoliosis diagnosis on patients.

  • Ahmet Alanay: An orthopaedic surgeon and President of EUROSPINE from Istanbul, Turkey, will explore the various treatment options available for scoliosis.

  • Javier Pizones: An orthopaedic surgeon and member of the EUROSPINE Meeting Council from Madrid, Spain, will talk about life after scoliosis surgery.

The webinar will conclude with a summary, discussion, and Q&A session, allowing participants to engage directly with the experts and get their questions answered.

How to Register

Interested individuals can register for the webinar for free by visiting the patient information website. The event is an excellent opportunity for patients, families, and anyone interested in learning more about scoliosis to gain valuable insights and support from leading experts in the field.

This initiative by EUROSPINE underscores the importance of raising awareness about scoliosis and providing patients with the resources they need to manage their condition effectively. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from top professionals and connect with a supportive community.

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